Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel
by Fabio Izzo

pubblished (with Sad Shell Funeral) on:

the Wounded superhero
one more funny appetizer
write and wrong
reducing abortions
latin days are here again?
let me worship as I am
“If He were here, it would be different”
joining the ‘out’ club, together again
the Crucifixion and ice cream
the obese should have to pay more for Paradise tickets

And they know the answers before I give them

And they know the answers before I give them

(apparso sul 50esimo numero della rivista inglese Gloom Cupboard)

And they know the answers before I give them
a word they said
just somewhere in between
although not entirely of my own choosing
of dying man
in army like retreat
We walk hand in hand
to a light rain
to swallow through the mud
there’s no stopping it
like a parasite
one with a suit vest and tie
who fuck only by appointment
to reach the sky
of early winter
and never say enough
like a machete
on the borders of each page

Fabio Izzo